
“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”

– Thomas Sowell

Human beings came to this world with nothing. We gathered food and then learnt to hunt animals, lived on trees or in caves and roamed naked. Despite all the natural resources we lived a short and poor life and died when we became sick. Everything we use today, is a product of someone’s effort, creation of a free human mind. Knowledge is the only wealth and freedom is our greatest resource.

We can not survive in this world except by using our minds, and without the freedom to use and keep what we produce we will perish. This freedom is synonymous with the right to life itself. If I want something that someone else has produced then I must pay it’s price by producing something else of equal value. 

This is the essence of Economics and morality. We aim to study Economics with the focus on human freedom, prosperity, and morality that is the bedrock of human civilization.

Resources and recommended readings

Factfulness - Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund

The Worldly Philosophers - Robert Heilbroner

Reinventing the Bazaar - John McMillan

The 10 Rules of Successful Nations - Ruchir Sharma

Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science - Dani Rodrik

Uma Kapila, ed. (2024) Indian Economy Since Independence. 35th Edition.

Ashok K. Lahiri (2022) 5 in Search of Glory

Francine R. Frankel (2005) India’s Political Economy 1947-2004

Resources and recommended videos